to Ban Mê residents, Queen’s Orchid Leaf has a violet color and it has
another name is Camel’s foot leaf (its scientific name is Bauhinia
variegate belongs to Fabaceae’s style) is planted widely on the milpa.
It is also a style of landscape tree in the park or on the sidewalk.
However, the Ban Mê residents find a way to process this leaf and make
it become one of Vietnamese Food.

Cooking this Best Vietnamese Food
is quite simple. Firstly, you boil the fish or beef, pork in the hot
water pot. When the water is boiled, you add the queen’s orchid leaf in
the pot. This soup would be more fantastic if the ingredients are the
Queen’s orchid leaf has a red tail and stream fish, forest chicken or
duck, especially the yellow ants’ nest.

someplace in Vietnam such as Sapa, people plant this leaf like other
vegetables to cut the fresh one and bring them to sell at the
supermarket. This Best Vietnamese Food
occurs mostly on the SaPa‘s restaurants. It is so weird to say that
this leaf belongs to Tây Nguyên. No matter this leaf come from where,
people like eating this leaf due to its sour taste.

of making food, this leaf is also useful for medicine. It contains a
high calcium and Fe. So it is used for treating sick, reduce pains,
stomachache and treating the wounds.

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